Computing element is used in several diagram elements
- Value Element (all types: Single Shift,Day period,week period, salary period,Single Date,Canteen)
- Credit Element
- Compare Element
At formula always You can use hh:mm:ss at your code 1:00:00*2=2:00:00
Computing element makes stanrdard math operation like
- + – / *
- ^ power
- abs
abs(-10)=10 , abs(10)=10
- round
round(2.3)=2.0 , round(2.5)=3.0 ,round(2.6)=3.0 ,round(-2.3)=-2.0 ,round(-2.5)=-2.0 ,round(-2.6)=-3.0
- cutminutes
cutminutes(01:05:00) = 01:00:00
floor floor (2.3)=2.0 , floor(2.5)=2.0,floor(2.6)=2.0 ,floor(-2.3)=-3.0 ,floor(-2.5)=-3.0 ,floor(-2.6)=-3.0
- acos, asin, atan, ceil, cos, exp, log, round, sin, sqrt, tan
Computing can use also special functions like ( it works for Single Shift,Day period,week period, salary period,Single Date,Canteen)
- #value# value of element
- #duty# return duty for the day
- #erate# return employment rate
- #weeklyfullhours# return employment rate
- #salarybase#
- #creditvalueaccumulated# return accumulated credit for single shift is for end of day where shift start, for week period is for last day of computing period,for salary period is accumulated for last day at saalry period
- #dutyforperiod# return duty for single shift is for current day, for week is duty for whole week, for saalry base is for whole salary period
- #markerforperiod# return marker values (for salry period is markers for whole salary period etc)
At Single Shift,Day period,week period, salary period You can use also
- #attendancelength# length of attendnace in current element
- #creditvalueforshift#
- #tb(nameoftimebank)# timebank which current element produced
At credit element You can use also
- #attendancelength# length of attendnace of all elements which came through credit element
- #shiftlength# length of shifts of all elements which came through credit element
- #atthoursbeforeelementfrom# return diff before element from and attendance from for example if there was clock sched IN then this value return diffrent beetwen first attendance from and shift from (shift.from-firstattendancefrom)