Advanced Settings


The Advanced Settings Tab allows you to see more demand details.

Clicking on the Show Over-staffed Demand Tab, will apply to display over-staffed demand in the My Time Calendar View.

If you want to see the details for one job you have to select the jobs you want to see in the My Time Calendar View be clicking on the Advanced Settings Job’s list.

The Show Over-staffed Demand Tab


If you select The Show Over-staffed Demand Tab, your Demand ToolTip Information will look like this


The Demand Information window appears as a ToolTip when you hover your mouse over the Demand Bar.


This window shows you the minimum to maximum range of Demand for a particular job, and also an at-a-glance view of the staff numbers working at that particular time. At the end we have an amount of demand (under-staffed or over-staffed).


As you can see above, on the 04.03.2013 between 05:00-08:00 for job Decorate, there is a minimum staff Demand of 1, and a maximum Demand of 2. At that time, we have 0 staff members present, our demand value is equal -1. We are under-staffed for Decorating.



– The Demand Bars display how many people should be completing a job at any given time.

Click on The Demand Information Tab to see the Demand Bars in the My Time Calendar View. The Demand Information Tab is changing colour when is working

If you want to see the details for one job you have to change the settings on the My Time Toolbar>Advanced Settings, and select the jobs you want to see.

Click on the My Time Toolbar>Advanced Settings >Show Over-staffed Demand Tab if you want to see overstaffed demand.

– Well planned demand appears in the My Time Calendar view as the Demand Bar with 0 value on it.

Advanced Settings > Click at Day Tab


This option defines the one-click behavior for a day in the My Time Calendar View. It enables you to add shift or attendance.