How can I check my current schedule?

1.    Click the Time Management Tab on the top of the MyTimePlan App
2.    From Sub Menu, click the Planning Tab
3.    From drop-down Period Filter, click Week
4.    From Employee Filter, select employee to your schedule
5.    Click Show to load your schedule.



How can I add a shift?


1.    Click on the day in the schedule, such as 02.10.2012
2.    You will see the Edit Selected Days window
3.    Edit properties details, such as the department, employee job and the shift time.
4.    Click Save when you are done.
5.    Your Shift has been added.


If you get Error Message, click here to read more.

How can I delete a shift?


1.    Click on the day in the schedule, such as 02.10.2012
2.    You will see the Edit Shift window
3.    Click Delete
4.    Your Shift has been deleted.

How can I add holidays to my schedule?


1.    Click on the day in the schedule, such as 02.10.2012
2.    You will see the Edit Selected Days window
3.    From Employee job list, choose Holiday
4.    Click Save
5.    Holiday has been added.


If you going to add more identical holiday days, you can save time by holding the CTRL or SHIFT button. Click here to read more.

What do the colours of my shifts mean?


1. Shift
2. Holiday
3. Completed attendance
4. Completed attendance with completed set action
5. Current attendance
6. Current attendance completing their set actions

How can I copy my previous week/month schedule?


1.    Click the Time Management on the top of the MyTimePlan App
2.    From The Planning+ Toolbar, click on the Copy Schedule Icon (Double sheet of paper Icon)
3.    You will see the Copy Schedule window
4.    Select the Don’t mix schedule between employees copy mode.
5.    Select yourself on the Employee(s) list.
6.    Select specific action, and week days that you want to copy.
7.    Select your desired time period in the From period section (e.g. 08.07.2013 – 14.07.2013).
8.    Select in the To period the dates you would like to copy your previous schedule (e.g. 15.07.2013-21.07.2013).
9.    Mark Don’t copy to holidays if you do not want to overwrite public holidays dates.
10.  Click Preview when you are done


11.    You will see the Preview Schedule window
12.    Press the Apply button to confirm and save your changes.


How can I copy my colleagues’ schedule?


1.    Click the Time Management on the top of the MyTimePlan App
2.    From The Planning+ Toolbar, click on the Copy Schedule Icon (Double sheet of paper Icon)
3.    You will see the Copy Schedule window
4.    Select the Copy schedule from one employee to others employees copy mode.
5.    Select your colleague whose schedule you want co copy on the From Employee list.
6.    Select yourself on the To employee(s) list.
7.    Select specific action, and week days that you want to copy.
8.    Select your desired time period in the From period section  (e.g. 08.07.2013 – 14.07.2013).
9.    Select in the To period the dates you would like to copy new schedule (e.g. 15.07.2013-21.07.2013).
10.  Mark Don’t copy to holidays if you do not want to overwrite public holidays dates.
11.  Click Preview when you are done

  12.    You will see the Preview Schedule window
13.    Press the Apply button to confirm and save your changes.