The Employees 
The Employees Tab shows a table with list of employees with their personal and employment information. You can check here, the full employees’ information. You can view, edit and add employee details such as First Name, Last Name, Username, SSN, Address, Telephone number, E-mail address, Image, Attendance Type, Department, Employment, Employee Contract, Devices, Access Profiles and more.
The Employees List Page is divided into three parts:
1. The Employees List Toolbar 2. The Employees List Filtering Toolbar 3. The Employees List
1.The Employees List Toolbar The Employee Toolbar contains icons such as Filter, Export Employee List, Add new employee, Back and Help.
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2. The Employees List Filtering Toolbar The Employee Details Filtering Toolbar appears directly under The Employee Toolbar. This toolbar provides you with option on how you can filter the Employee List that is displayed on your screen. It lets you quickly edit and apply display filters and allows you to choose the department you want to be visible on the Employee List. On the right side of the toolbar there are the Quick Buttons. QuickButtons allows you to add/delete action, add/delete skill, add/delete contract, add/close employment, add/delete device, add access and reset password. …Read more…
3. The Employees List In the main part of the Employees screen is the Employees List. It displays employee or group of employee that you previously chose in the Employee Details filtering toolbar. The Employee List allows you to quickly edit and apply display employees’ information to be visible on your Employee List. You can edit here your employees’ details by clicking on the button. Hover your mouse over the employee icon to see the employee Bussines Card.
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